Sparrow Wallet 1.7.5 版


  • 实现边框钱包数字网格功能
  • 确保 Tapsigner 在气隙导入选项中的可见性保持一致
  • 针对禁用的 Bitcoin Core 钱包支持改进了错误信息提示
  • 升级了 Specter Desktop 钱包导入程序


  • 修正边框钱包网格中单元格选择顺序的保留问题
  • Enabled broadcasting via for signet usage

This release addresses a crucial bug affecting the order of cell selection in Border Wallets grids. For seeds created with v1.7.4 using grid selection, users should employ a left-to-right, top-to-bottom approach when recreating their seeds. Starting from v1.7.5 onwards, the sequence of cell selection in the grid is vital, as it directly determines the word order in your seed. This update ensures proper preservation of selection order, enhancing the security and reliability of Border Wallets seed creation.

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